What did you want to be when you grew up?
How many of you are doing a job that you got a degree in? Or started out towards?
Do you feel like you were destined to do the job you are doing?
I was watching The Dig on Netflix (great film!) which is about the discovery of the Anglo-Saxon ship burial at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk and I felt a bit of sadness. I studied Ancient History & Archaeology at university and was partly inspired by Sutton Hoo to apply for that course.
I’ll go back a bit. When I was 16 I did my Silver Duke of Edinburgh (HATED it!) and unbeknownst to me, we went right past the site of Sutton Hoo. When I started my History A-Level one of the first things we studied was Sutton Hoo and I found out then that I had been within 1 mile of it and had no idea. I was fascinated! From that point on my favourite period of history was ancient. It was also partly what led me to chose Ancient History & Archaeology as a uni course. The other options were Marketing or American History. How different my life could have been!

So when I watch programmes about archaeology I always get a pang of “what if?” and “why didn’t I stick with it?” and then I remember why. I didn’t actually enjoy the archaeology side of things! Loved the finds processing and working in a museum, which I’ve done in spades, so it was no great shakes that I didn’t pursue archaeology as a career.
I also remember that during my course I was became fascinated by other cultures and also their adornments like jewellery. The jewellery, gold and metalwork found at Sutton Hoo are gorgeous! I also studied ancient Egyptian jewellery as part of my study project when I was lucky enough to travel to Egypt.

For most of my life, I have been interested in jewellery from different cultures and the past which links me nicely to my business. Maybe I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing after all? If you believe in destiny, fate an’ all that 😉
Have you ever visited Sutton Hoo? It’s now run by the National Trust and they have a fabulous visitor centre. I have been several times and I love it. As you can see I love to dress up while I’m there!

Did you know….
Burial mounds are the first forms of burials we can readily see in the landscape today. Nowadays we use cemeteries, graveyards and so on. My next collection will be influenced by these fascinating places so keep your eyes peeled for some sneaky peaks on social media soon!