
Alchemy and the Elements – My New Jewellery Collection

Since ancient times, alchemy has been used by and enthralled many civilisations but what is it, why was is used and why are we still interested in it today?

I started investigating alchemy when I wanted to create a new collection relating to the elements involved – fire, earth, air and water. I am also rediscovering my fascination with witchcraft and all things Pagan. This was something I discovered in about 20 years ago having studied Ancient History at Uni I was always aware of different religions but witches, druids and assorted Pagan beliefs stuck with me. I adore crystals and use them in my jewellery. I’m also interested in star signs and correspondences hence my elements jewellery.

My mini collection links the metals, crystals, star signs and colour correspondences and I hope you find one that resonates with you as much as Fire resonates with me!

alchemist in his laboratory with apprentice looking on
Joseph Wright of Derby in his alchemist's laboratory

What is alchemy?

Dating back to ancient times, both Chinese and Egyptians used this ancient branch of natural philosophy to better their lives.

Most people think alchemy as the transmutation (conversion) of base metals (lead) to precious metals (gold) using a Philosopher’s Stone (not actually a stone!).  Alchemy is however simply the act of changing something negative into something positive! Alchemy was also used to discover cures for diseases and a way of extending life.

Why use alchemy?

A lifelong conquest for immortality and riches has fascinated many people over the years and alchemy claims to do provide both. From ancient civilisations to the 20th century many people have pursued an elixir or life or the Philosopher’s Stone. It is even mentioned in Harry Potter!

portrait of john dee
  • John Dee was a secret spy and signed his letters with 007 which is where Ian Fleming got his Bond moniker from!
  • The kitchen heating object ‘bains marie’ was originally developed for use in the practice of alchemy, when alchemists needed a way to heat materials slowly and gently. A 3rd century alchemist called Maria Prophetissa is credited with it’s invention.
  • The patron saint of Alchemy is 10th century St Dunstan from Glastonbury. Edward Kelly (partner of John Dee) claimed to have discovered a book by St. Dunstan describing how to make the Philosopher’s Stone, as well as red powder/elixir in the ruins at Glastonbury. May 19 is his traditional feast day
  • Sir Issac Newton was an alchemist! When sorting through a collection of old chemistry books at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia a forgotten manuscript handwritten by Sir Isaac Newton was found which described a recipe for the Philosophers’ Stone, a legendary substance that reputedly could turn base metals like iron and lead into gold. 
sir isaac newton sitting under a tree contemplating an apple
Sir Isaac Newton
Coloured engraving depicting French scrivener and manuscript seller Nicolas Flamel (circa 1330-1418), who developed a posthumous reputation as an alchemist due to his reputed work on the philosopher's stone, circa 1400. (Photo by adoc-photos/Corbis via Getty Images)
Nicolas Flamel, French Scrivener & Manuscript Seller
  • French born Nicholas Flamel (yes, he of Harry Potter fame) was a real person credited with creating the Philosopher’s Stone. Whilst there is no proof it existed as a red stone (like the one used in Harry Potter), a reddish powder was used by alchemists in chemical experiments to transmute base metals to gold and provide the elixir of life. Some people believe Flamel is still alive today as a 15th century exhumation of his tomb revealed no body!
  • The word gibberish came from the name of a famous 8th century Muslim alchemist, Jābir ibn Hayyān, whose name was Latinized as Geber. As a result, gibberish was a reference to the incomprehensible technical jargon and allegorical coded language of alchemy used by Jabir and other alchemists.
I have always loved the mystical arts and having read around the subject of alchemy for the past few months I still feel I don’t know enough about it. It is indeed an enigma of a subject!

If you’d like to find out more about this interesting topic, I’ve put together a Spotify playlist of podcasts that I have or am going to listen to. Do bookmark this list as it is likely to evolve as I discover more interesting facts.

So my mini collection links metals, crystals, star signs and colour correspondences and I hope you find one that resonates with you as much as Fire resonates with me!

I hope you love my collection as much as I did creating it!

Picture of Sam Self

Sam Self


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woman with glasses and hair tied up smiling at the camera sat in front of a jewellery bench with tools.

Hi, I'm Sam!

I’m the creator and passion behind Rock & Rose Jewellery. Inspired by history and mystery, my jewellery is hand made for souls who want a little touch of the gothic with their everyday outfits.

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