Haven’t we had cracking weather recently….well…the sun isn’t shining right at this moment but it’s been really warm and a great change from chilly April and rainy May!
Caring for your skull jewellery in this recent hot weather comes with its problems. Sweat and suntan lotion can cause all manner of problems especially with copper which can tarnish when it comes into contact with lotions and potions and don’t even get me started on anti-bac. It’s obviously really important and great but doesn’t do copper any favours!
But never fear I have lots of hints and tips on how to keep your skull jewellery looking fab. My personal favourite and most miraculous one is using lemon and salt to clean copper! :O
This is a before and after pic on copper that has been exposed to air for some time and cleaned by a lemon and salt mix.

While I was at the Oxford Botanic Garden on my recent holiday, I picked up some interesting facts about citrus. For example, did you know that cultivated citruses are sweet, but bitter oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits are the product of artificial hybridisation among four wild citrus species? Other fascinating fruit facts
• Brazil and the USA are the world’s biggest orange producers.
• Lime was discovered as a cure for scurvy by a British Naval surgeon in 1740s.
• Oranges were introduced to Europe in the 15th century.
There were lots of other interesting plants and beautiful plants to see and I would recommend a visit if you are in the area. It was an oasis of peace and calm.

In other news, I have been working on some new pieces such as the aluminium cuff featured on my social media recently. Stay following me to find out when these will be ready to add to my skull jewellery collections. not long now 😉
In the meantime, if you haven’t used your new subscriber discount don’t forget you get 10% off any product (except already discounted products) so why not pop over to my website and treat yourself?